On Christmas Eve please bring all the family along to our annual Crib/Nativity Service at the Parish Church.Children are invited to dress up as characters from the Nativity story (we have had some interesting interpretations of this over the years.) This takes place at 3.30pm. Please bring all the family along. It is a truly memorable service for all the family of whatever age!
In the evening we hold two candlelit services - first at the Good Shepherd at 8.00pm and then as Christmas Day approaches, at the Parish Church - Midnight Mass at 11.30pm. On Christmas Morning our Family Communion with Carols at 10.30am captures all the excitement of opening Christmas presents as we remember God's greatest gift to us in the birth of the baby Jesus.
If you need any information please do not hesitate to get in contact with our Rector - The Revd James Stewart - 01603 439160 or jstewart1971@gmail.com We wish all who visit this page and our churches a very happy and blessed Christmas!
15 December at 2.30pm Good Shepherd Carol Service - Good Shepherd
22 December at 6.00pm The Town Carol Service – Parish Church
24 December at 3.30pm Family Nativity Service – Parish Church
at 8.00pm Christmas Communion – Good Shepherd
at 11.30pm Midnight Mass – Parish Church
25 December at 10.30am Family Communion with Carols – Parish Church
By Karl Brockhurst 11 Dec 2024 16:18
The Bishop of Norwich will dedicate a plaque at Thorpe St Andrew Parish Church this Sunday (15 September) in memory of the 26 victims who died in this dreadful tragedy.
We have already remembered the victims at a short but poignant service on River Green on the actual anniversary date (10 September) with 72 there in the pouring rain.
By Thorpe Parish Church 25 Sep 2024 10:44
Our churches are at the heart of our community and in this most holy of weeks we are offering several opportunities to journey with Jesus through the Last Supper, to the cross and the glorious resurrection on Easter morning.
7pm - The Eucharist of the Institution of the Last Supper and the Watch - at the Parish Church
12noon Reflections at the Cross - Parish Church
12.45pm Walk of Witness from Parish Church to Good Shepherd Church
1.30pm Hot Cross Buns at the St Andrew's Centre
2.00pm Service of Reflection - Good Shepherd
10am - 12 noon Easter Fun Day - St Andrew's Centre
9.00am Easter Communion - Good Shepherd
10.30am Easter Communion with Easter Egg Hunt - Parish Church
All are welcome. Wishing you all a holy and blessed Easter
By Thorpe Parish Church 27 Mar 2024 12:46
We are fortunate in Thorpe St Andrew to be having several different services to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Both our churches will hold Carol Services - first at The Church of The Good Shepherd on 17 December at 2.30pm with refreshments and then on 21 December at 7.00pm our Thorpe St Andrew Community Carol Service.with candlelight, mulled wine and mince pies. On Christmas Eve please bring all the family along to our annual Crib Service at the Parish Church.
Children are invited to dress up as characters from the Nativity story (we have had some interesting interpretations of this over the years.) This takes place at 3.30pm. Please do bring all the family along. It is a truly memorable service for all the family of whatever age! In the evening we hold two candlelit services - first at the Good Shepherd at 8.00pm and then as Christmas Day approaches, at the Parish Church - Midnight Mass at 11.30pm. On Christmas Morning our Family Communion with Carols at 10.30am captures all the excitement of opening Christmas presents as we remember God's greatest gift to us in the birth of the baby Jesus.
17 December at 2.30pm Good Shepherd Carol Service - Good Shepherd
21 December at 7.00pm Community Carol Service – Parish Church
24 December at 3.30pm Family Crib Service – Parish Church
at 8.00pm Christmas Communion – Good Shepherd
at 11.30pm Midnight Mass – Parish Church
25 December at 10.30am Family Communion with Carols – Parish Church
By Thorpe Parish Church 28 Nov 2023 10:25
This involves many aspects of our wonderful community here in Thorpe St Andrew, with WI, uniformed groups, Royal British Legion, our Town Council, our schools to name only of a few of over 25 participants. The event will be launched  with our joyful opening event when the church and grounds will be open. This will include Father Christmas, singing star Hayley Moss, carol singing from Thorpe Players, stalls, hotdogs, mulled wine, other refreshments, raffle, activities for children and much more.
By Thorpe Parish Church 28 Nov 2023 10:02
Christmas Carols really warm the heart! Please do join us for as many of our offerings as you can manage, including the Thorpe St Andrew Community Carol Service on Wednesday 21 December at 7.00pm in the Parish Church, our two Children's (Family) Nativity Services at 2.00pm and 3.30pm on Christmas Eve and our Evening Communion services - 8.00pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd and 11.30pm at the Parish Church. On Christmas Morning will hold a Family Service at 10.30am for all the family to celebrate Christmas Morning. All are welcome. Any enquiries or further information from our Rector on 01603 439160 or rector@thorpeparishchurch.org
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Join us for a popular programme of seasonal festive cheer as we go on a musical journey through Christmases past and present. Children of all ages are welcome to this fantastic festive family-friendly celebration. Come with your best singing voices ready to belt out those well-loved carols and be inspired by the fantastic sounds from the band. Refreshments will be available. Donations to be shared between EACH and Church Funds.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
A fantastic display of Christmas Trees, decorated by numerous church and community groups. Come to church and spend some time viewing them. You can add prayers for loved ones on the Memory Tree in the Lady Chapel. The Christmas Grand Draw will be drawn on 21 December after the Community Carol Service. Tickets available by contacting julianmogford@icloud.com
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
This weekend is a wonderful tribute to HM The Queen's unstinting service to our nation. Red, White and Blue is gradually emerging more and more across our community. The church will be supporting the Town's Community Event on Thursday with Beacon Lighting and Concert. On Saturday 4 June we will hold our Platinum Plant Sale between 11am and 3pm.
On Sunday 5 June we will hold the following:
Big Lunch Hamper tickets.
Price - £10 for 12 and over; £5 Under 12s These have sold out bt please contact Victor Scrivens 01603 300212 Email - victor.scrivens@btopenworld.com
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
There is nothing like being able to come to church at Christmas and sing Carols. We have various offerings including our Floodlit (Outdoor) Carol singing in the gardens of the Parish Church on Wednesday 22 December at 6.30pm, our two Children's (Family) Nativity Services at 2.30pm and 4.00pm on Christmas Eve and our Evening Communion services - 8.00pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd and 11.30pm at the Parish Church. On Christmas Morning will hold a Family Service at 10.30am for all the family to celebrate Christmas Morning.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Following guidance from HM Government and the Church of England are services return to Facebook only. We are able to broadcast them from the church and will do so regularly as follows:
During this second lockdown we are answering the Archbishops' Call to Prayer with short prayers each night at 6.00pm.
Please join us as you are able. The Facebook services are saved and can be viewed after the appointed time.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
At our usual service time of 9.30am we will broadcast on Facebook Live from the Parish Church a Service of Remembrance as we remember all those who have lost their lives in the pursuit of freedom and justice in wars past and present. The service can be found at www.facebook.com/ThorpeStAndrewParishChurch Do join us for this online way of remembering.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Like many parishes Thorpe St Andrew has enjoyed online worship and fellowship during the lockdown, through Zoom and Facebook, but after returning to worship in church in July, they wanted to do something to celebrate the summer, which was safe but face to face.
On 9 August they enjoyed a wonderful open air Eucharist in their churchyard in the beautiful summer sunshine. Parishioners were encouraged to bring their own rugs and garden chairs, so the worship had a really summery feel. The parish put up several gazebos and brought out a lot of what was needed from the church. There was much for the parish to celebrate that day since their new curate, The Revd Taylor Wilton-Morgan had been ordained deacon in the Cathedral a few days before, so this was his first service as a deacon within the parish. He was vested in a dalmatic and preached the sermon.
The parish also celebrated the beginning of a new ministry for Nicole King, a faithful member of the congregation for many years and organiser of the Parish's Cafe Church, who was commissioned in the service as Authorised Worship Assistant. Rector of Thorpe St Andrew, The Revd James Stewart said: 'I had been planning an open air service in the churchyard for a number of years, but our return to church after lockdown seemed like something to rejoice in on its own. Our ministry team here is growing with a new curate and AWA, so with the lovely sunny weather it turned in to a real festival. It was a joy to behold!' People sat in family bubbles, were socially distanced and since it was outside there was no need to wear face coverings, which became mandatory in churches the day before. After the service the large number of socially distant parishioners stayed for a picnic, with the food provided by themselves, due to current Covid -19 restrictions, following an appropriate risk assessment.
We are currently planning other services for Autumn and these will be shared on this website in due course.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Following the statement from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York yesterday (17th March) our midweek and Sunday Church services and other events are all suspended until further notice.
Our worshipping life will carry on in a number of different and exciting ways:
Please contact Fr James at rector@thorpeparishchurch.org or 01603 439160 or through this page. Remember - Christ is a light which the darkness cannot overcome. You may wish to use this prayer:
Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Christmas is indeed a magical time of the year in Thorpe St Andrew and there is something for everyone here. The big community Carol Service takes place on Thursday 19 December at 6.30pm at the Parish Church. Come and join us to sing all your favourite carols and here the familiar Christmas story. Mulled wine and mince pies. On Christmas Eve we will hold our familiar Crib (Nativity) Services in the Parish Church at 2.30pm and 4.00pm. Children - please come dressed as nativity figures. Adults: optional! Our celebrations continue in the evening with a Christmas Communion at the Good Shepherd at 8.00pm and the traditional candlelit Midnight Mass at the Parish Church at 11.30pm. On Christmas morning at 10.30am we will have a family focussed service with carols and communion and a Children's Address. Come and celebrate this most special of gifts.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
At the Civic Reception in Thorpe St Andrew on Tuesday 22 October at Thorpe St Andrew Town Hall, hosted by the Mayor of Thorpe St Andrew, Cllr John Fisher, Auriol Hughes, was made a Lady Freeman of Thorpe St Andrew for over 40 years of service to the church and also the wider community. Auriol has been involved in the life of Thorpe St Andrew since 1961, when her mother and family moved here, living in the same house ever since. Auriol worked as a Civil Servant in Norwich for HMSO, but as Auriol signed a declaration under the Official Secrets Act we know very little about this!
Auriol has been involved fully within the life of the Parish of Thorpe St Andrew, for over 40 years. Auriol served as churchwarden for a long period of time, but after retirement from this role she has continued to be very committed to the corporate life of the parish - acting as secretary to the Pastoral Care and Bereavement Group - sending out over 125 invitations to our annual Memorial Service and keeping very accurate records of our work in this field, and also secretary of the Bells, since age prevents her now from climbing the steps of the tower. Auriol has also led intercessions for many years and leads Morning Prayer once a week in the Parish Church. She attends Morning Prayer every morning and on a number of evenings makes the journey from her home to lock the church. She is a regular sight on the Yarmouth Road, doing whatever is needed to be done to continue the work of the parish - delivering magazines, attending Mothers' Union meetings (she is Treasurer of the Thorpe St Andrew Branch) or delivering notes of a meeting which she had taken, all written out in longhand in her best handwriting.
Auriol is a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge of the Parish - and is the first person I turn to if I need to find something out from the past of the Parish. The God whom Auriol puts her faith and trust in is faithful to her but in return she is faithful to him and this community which she is called to serve. In a world of Instagram, selfies and reality TV it could be said that Auriol cuts a rather contrary figure in our community, yet her faithfulness, patience and devotion to service has shone through for all these years. It is my huge privilege to know her and to minister with her and I was delighted to nominate her for this recognition.
On the same evening John Preus and Roy Robson received Civic Awards for many of years of service to the community.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Our joint Harvest Festival and Civic Service will take place on Sunday 6 October at Parish Church at 10.30am. It gives us the opportunity to give thanks for all that God has given us but also to give thanks for our community in the presence of the Mayor and Town Councillors. Please do spread the word about this service. It only happens once a year and people come along afterwards and ask - when is your Harvest Festival? Since this is a joint service we meet at 10.30am. There are no 9.30am and 11.15am services this week.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
The East Coast Truckers have been helping young people with special health needs for many years now, giving them a fun experience at the coast on the Sunday of the August Bank Holiday weekend. Living just off the Yarmouth Road as a teenager in the 1980s I can recall our family's great surprise when the sound of numerous trucks got louder and louder as they approached Thorpe St Andrew for the first time. On 25 August we can share in these celebrations for 2019, first with a slightly earlier and lighter celebration of the Eucharist, joining the Parish Church and Café Church congregations together and then going out to the front of the Church to witness the spectacle and give support to them all as they travel east. Please do join us for these celebrations!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
The idea for this began at our adult confirmation group this year. It happened to be that the group was a group of men. In looking into this idea further it revealed that in NHS and other studies into men's wellbeing and mental health, men of all ages are less likely to have access to social support of friends, family and community. In recent years various initiatives have become popular for men such as Movember, Men's Sheds, Men's Breakfasts - to name only a few. Research also suggests that men learn and digest information in different ways and are more likely to comment, support each other and make new friends in a male only and fun environment. That's the science, but how can we put this into practice in a fun way for Thorpe St Andrew? One of the confirmation group, Ian Mackie, suggested a Prayer and Pizza evening, as a fun way of deepening our faith in a friendly and open atmosphere. The first one will take place on Sunday 18 August 2019 at 5.00pm at the Parish Church, with a very light Bible Study ending in some prayer (lasting just over an hour) - followed by Pizza at the Town House Hotel. The Cost will be approximately £10. Please let Fr James know or come along and give it a try. Let your friends know - the more the merrier!!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Building on our successful series last year our Organist, Dr Andrew Hayden, has put together a wonderful schedule of organists to entertain us. It starts on 31 July and takes place each Wednesday until 28 August at the Parish Church on the beautiful Abbott and Smith organ. The recitals start at 1pm. Light lunches are served from 12 noon. Donations for church funds. Come and join us!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Come and join us at the St Andrew's Centre for a morning of fun on the day before Easter - Saturday 20 April between 9.30am and 12 noon. Crafts, singing and a short act of worship at the end. Plenty of refreshments and a free Real Easter Egg (with Easter story book) - kindly donated by our Mothers' Union. More info from rector@thorpeparishchurch.org. Tel: 01603 439160.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
The events of Holy Week and Easter are fundamental to the Christian faith. As we walk the way of the cross so we reach the destination of salvation which through the risen presence of Christ brings new life to all. Come an join us for our services. On Good Friday we will serve hot cross buns after our walk of witness and on Easter morning we will have a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt - after the service.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
We look forward to seeing you at our Christmas services over the Christmas period. Details in upcoming events and on the picture. There is something for everyone, with the Crib Services on Christmas Eve afternoon, with real sheep - followed by the beautifully atmospheric Midnight Mass and earlier Christmas Communion. Then on Christmas morning a lovely fun service for all the family. Come and celebrate with us the gift which is Christmas.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
We are holding our annual church fete in the grounds of the Parish Church, Yarmouth Road, on Saturday 21 July between 11am and 2pm. All are welcome. The whole event will be opened by Olly Day, entertainer extraordinaire. There will be usual stalls and games along with some delicious refreshments and drinks. We will be entertained by the Glo PopKidz (11.30am )(a children's dance group), The Occasional Garden Sings (TOGS) 912.30pm) (an a cappella choir) and members of Living History will be wandering around as soldiers returning home at the end of WW1. The fancy dress will be judged at 1.00 and the raffle will be drawn at 1.30pm. At 2.00pm the commemorative garden for WW1 will be dedicated on River Green and there is then a picnic on River Green until 4.00pm. Come and join the celebrations.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
We are very fortunate to have an excellent Church Organ, which will be showcased this Summer at our lunchtime Organ Recitals series. Our organist Andrew has organised a good schedule of concerts. They are all on Wednesdays at 1pm:
To add to the celebratory atmosphere we will be serving refreshments from 12 noon (with lovely homemade cakes and sandwiches). There is no charge for entry but we hope you will make a donation toward much needed church funds.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Come along to our churches to experience each step of the story of Christ's death and resurrection as we journey this Holy Week into the joy of Easter. Come to our Messy Easter on Saturday 31 March 2018 between 9.30 and 12 noon. Wishing you a very happy and blessed Easter.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Lent is a time for self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, almsgiving and preparation for Easter. In the early church as candidates for baptism at Easter were instructed in Christian faith, and as penitents prepared themselves, through fasting and penance, the whole Christian community was invited to join them in a process of study and repentance, the extension of which over forty days would remind them of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, being tested by Satan.
Ash Wednesday - 14 February 2018
Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence; from the middle ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. We will hold our usual services of Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 9.30am at the Good Shepherd and 6.00pm at the Parish Church.
Lent Lunches
This year we will hold two Lent lunches, with the proceeds going to the Bishop's Lent Appeal (this year for our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea). The meal with consist of a simple bowl of soup and bread and cheese to follow:
16 February - 12 noon for 12.30pm at The St Andrew's Centre.
Please be in touch with Ann Cox (01603 436619) or Olga Bradshaw (01603 435678) to book a place.
16 March 12 noon for 12.30pm at The Rectory.
Please be in touch with The Rector (rector@thorpeparishchurch.org or 01603 927291) to book a place.
Lent Group: Prayer
Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and prayer is central to this. Yet how often have we wondered whether we might try different approaches to it or do it more often? This six-session course looks at prayer from a number of different perspectives. We will gather on Wednesday afternoons at The St Andrew's Centre at 2.00 with tea and coffee, starting our study at 2.15pm. The sessions will last just over an hour. The sessions are open to all within our community.
Please note that there is no session on 21 February. The course is being run jointly by Fr James and the Revd Matthew. For further information please contact the Rector: The Revd James Stewart on 01603 927291 or rector@thorpeparishchurch.org
Lenten Evensong
The choir at the Parish Church will sing a service of Choral Evensong for Lent on 4 March (The Third Sunday of Lent) at 5.00pm. Come and experience God's presence in the beautiful liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer and the choral music.
Download FlyerBy Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Come to the St Andrew's Centre, off Thunder Lane, Thorpe St Andrew, NR7 0LW for a bright and welcoming craft fair and table top sale on Saturday 10 March between 11am and 3pm. Come and browse quality craft and gift items, perfect for Mothering Sunday and Easter. Come and enjoy light refreshments and soak up the friendly atmosphere: Stall holders include:
Homemade cakes & treats • Lilyn Tree Dolls and Knits • Jennifer Cushion Papercrafts • Sheepythings • Mellie Makes Bears • Chic Glass Craft • Neal's Yard Remedies • Dragonfly Beads • Hollipops • Fragrant gifts from Scentsy • Fee B Cards • Fabric and Crafts from Val Harvey • Mrs Clarke's Clothing • Biographies from author Phyllida Scrivens • Love Handles Bags • Family Portrait Photography • Wooden bird boxes and feeders • Broadland District Council
You would be very welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
We wish you a very happy Christmas from all in the Parish of Thorpe St Andrew. There are details of all our services on our website. Something for all the family from Christingle and Crib Services for children through to our beautifully atmospheric Candlelit Midnight Mass. All are welcome!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
We are delighted to be be partnering the Town Council more fully for the second year running as we welcome Father Christmas to his now customary place in the ruined tower. He will park his reindeer by the front gate. Come along and see him. He is beginning earlier this year from 4.30pm. Donkey rides will be available in the Churchyard. Craft activities for children will take place in the church with stalls - tombola, cakes, plants etc in the church. There will also seasonal refreshments and plenty of tea and coffee. Come along and join the fun!
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
On Sunday 7th May the Parish gathered to give thanks for Christ the Good Shepherd who leads us and guides us. At the Church of The Good Shepherd we celebrated with over double our usual congregation. In addition our new electronic organ was dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of Mike Towers (the organist there for 43 years) and also Don Rayner. We completed the day with a wonderful lunch (prepared by Olga Bradshaw and Ann Cox) at which over 30 attended. We were treated at the cheese course to cheese straws made to Mike Towers' recipe. On 14th May we will welcome our new Archdeacon (The Venerable Karen Hutchinson) to the Parish. She will preach at services at the Parish Church at 9.30am and The Good Shepherd at 11.15am. She will be available to chat with parishioners from 9.00am over coffee. We are looking forward very much to this first visit with us.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
The Parish Church was packed for the Remembrance Day service on Sunday 13th November. It was conducted by the Rector, Revd James Stewart.
Prior to the service, various organisation groups such as the Scouts and Guides, led by the British Legion and the Town Council, paraded to Thorpe River Green where wreaths were laid at the War Memorial in remembrance of the sacrifice of those who died in war.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Our annual fair took place between 10.00am and 12 noon on 29 October at the St Andrew’s Centre. It was opened by Fr James who gave his support throughout the morning as well as supplying small bunches of lavender from his garden which sold well. There was the usual array of secondhand books for sale, local crafts, bric-a-brac, plants, cakes and preserves.
The Mothers’ Union supplied a wonderful hamper as the prize on their ’square raffle’ board and the Grand Draw raffle attracted much interest and a variety of prizes were won. The tombola stall was busy all morning with those taking part hoping to find the elusive raffle tickets ending in either a zero or a five.
Refreshments were enjoyed by many having completed their shopping. Overall the fair raised £1205 for church funds.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Our Harvest Festival service took place at 10.30am on 2 October 2016 at a very full Church of the Good Shepherd. Our young people were involved during the service and they helped bring produce from the back of the church to place in front of the altar. In fact there was so much the altar was in danger of being obliterated! It was all destined for the Norwich Foodbank which works hard all year to ensure that local people in need receive food boxes to help them during difficult times.
After the service well over 50 people from the church were catered for in the St Andrew’s Centre. Lunch consisted of quiche and cold meats plus apple and blackberry crumble. A raffle was held to boost church funds raised at this occasion. Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful Harvest celebration.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Bank holiday Sunday in August has become affectionately known as ‘Truckers’ Sunday’ for those, plus many others in Thorpe, who attend the Parish Church. Truck drivers give up their time every year to transport children with special needs to Pleasurewood Hills and Great Yarmouth for the day. The truckers’ route starts in or around the city and processes along Thorpe/Yarmouth road so the Parish Church is in an ideal location to view from.
This year our service started at 9.15am so that we could get outside in time to watch the trucks going past. We had a lovely Family Eucharist during which our young people, Rector and Churchwarden made footprints in paint as we thought about our Christian journeys, following in the footsteps of Jesus. At the end of our service we processed out to the roadside, singing ‘The Spirit lives to set us free’. As the last verse finished the first police outrider sped past as the noise of the Truckers got nearer and nearer.
Some parishioners had flags and all waved with much joy as the children sitting up high in the truckers’ cabs waved back. The smiles on their faces brought many tears of joy to the faces of us all as they went past. After the final blessing on the roadside we went back in to the church for delicious Cafe Church refreshments.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
The Service of Institution and Induction of Revd James Stewart as the new Rector of the Parish Church took place on Tuesday 26 July. It was a fabulous event and will be remembered for a very long time by those who attended. The Church was packed and every pew was full to capacity with only standing room only at the back. Wonderful to see and be part of!
Prior to the day itself, the church had been a hive of activity with extra helpers drafted in to do additional cleaning and prepare the church. This involved moving furniture and whatever else was necessary in order to accommodate the huge numbers expected. Church ‘regulars’ had been busy cooking to ensure that everyone received refreshments after the service as well as a glass of wine or fruit juice. The weather up to and including the 26th had been particularly hot and the church had retained much of this heat so everyone was pleased to receive refreshments not least of which were the large numbers of visiting clergy who must have wished that clerical attire consisted of somewhat fewer layers!
The Institution was conducted by The Rt Revd Alan Winton, Bishop of Thetford and the Induction by The Venerable Steven Betts, Archdeacon of Norfolk. The service was coordinated by the Rural Dean, The Revd Capt Darren Thornton. The whole evening was emotional and uplifting as parishioners and guests, so very gladly and wholeheartedly, welcomed our long awaited new Rector.
The large congregation gave generously to the Bishop’s Fund for Ordinands and we were pleased to send a cheque for £926.16 to the Diocese of Norwich a few days later.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Preparations are now well in hand to celebrate our 150th anniversary on 29th May. We hope that many of you reading this will be able to join us. Details of our Service are contained below but first we start with a little of the church history...
Our church, which was once reported to be the smallest church in Norfolk, was the subject of a Vestry meeting in 1862. It was decided at this meeting that the church needed to be enlarged and then in 1864 it was a agreed that a new one should be built.
The new church was consecrated on 31st May 1866 by the Bishop of Norwich and he urged the congregation to raise the necessary funds, £4,000 (worth over £330,000 today!) to complete the building.
The remains of the medieval church, dedicated to St Andrew, still exist in front of the Parish Church.
The service planned for the 29th May will be a wonderful joint celebration of not only our 150th anniversary but also 10 years of Thorpe St Andrew Town Council (having previously been a Parish Council for 111 years) and, of course, an opportunity to celebrate our Queen's 90th birthday!
The Eucharist service on the 29th will be presided over by Bishop Graham and will start at 10.30am. We welcome everyone to attend. Civic leaders have been invited along with representatives of local organisations.
After the service there will be refreshments and a picnic on the River Green by courtesy of the Town Council.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
You may know people who are not fans of using the internet and prefer to have a magazine or book to read. Nothing wrong with that! Parish Life magazine may be just the publication for them. It is available to buy from the Parish Church or from various outlets in Thorpe St Andrew listed below:
Why not give it a try? It contains lots of local information and the cost is just £1.00.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Revd James Stewart - currently Chaplain to the Bishop of Norwich - his installation date will be mid-summer.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Palm Sunday is the last Sunday in Lent. It commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ in to Jerusalem and the start of His Passion. Days later he was crucified taking the sin of the world upon Him. He was resurrected from the dead on the third day - Easter Sunday,
Our services for Palm Sunday and Holy Week will be a time of reflection and the ultimate joy at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Holy Week
Sunday 20th Palm Sunday (Revd James Stewart)
Eucharist at the Good Shepherd 8.00am
Sung Eucharist at the Parish Church 9.30am (Revd James Stewart presiding)
Sung Eucharist at the Good Shepherd 11.15am
Thursday 25th Maundy Thursday
Eucharist at Parish Church 8.00pm (inc foot washing,stripping of altars and vigil)
Friday 26th Good Friday
Prayers, Scripture Readings and Reflection at the Parish Church between 11.30am to 12.00pm. This is followed by the Walk of Witness to the Good Shepherd church for more prayers and readings.
Sunday 27th Easter Day
Eucharist at the Good Shepherd 8.00am (Archdeacon of Norwich presiding)
Sung Eucharist at the Parish Church 9.30am
Sung Eucharist at the Good Shepherd 11.15am
Please refer to our Calendar page for details of other Services during March.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35
Since the departure of the Revd Canon Barry Oake to become Chaplain at the Great Hospital in Norwich in July 2015, a state of interregnum has existed at our church. We have been extremely well cared for since that time by the Revd David Smith, our Assistant Curate. He has devoted huge amounts of time to the needs of the Parish in every way and we are extremely grateful to him.
Fr David Smith is appointed to East Harling
We were therefore both saddened and delighted to announce, at the beginning of this year, that Fr David had been appointed to the post of Priest-in-Charge of the Harling United Benefice. We were sad to lose him after his wonderful work in the last 9 months but absolutely delighted for Fr David and his family. Fr David’s last day in the Parish was Sunday 13th March and the churches joined together to celebrate Eucharist and ensure that Fr David and his family left us with every good wish for the future. His love and guidance will not be forgotten and acknowledgment of this was clear at the door of the church as so many people queued to wish him well before they departed. We had to drag him away to cut the wonderful cake made by Olga!
Fr David’s installation takes place at the Parish Church of SS Peter & Paul, East Harling on April 20th and already we have a coach of nearly 50 people wanting to go along and see this wonderful occasion marking the beginning of his new ministry.
A new chapter begins
So what about the new Rector for Thorpe St Andrew? The search began with advertisements online as well as in the Church Times. On Monday 7 March, interviews, conducted by the Archdeacon of Norwich, the Ven Jan McFarlane, Olga and Lesley, our Churchwardens, took place and they were delighted that a decision was able to be made at the end of the afternoon. Some likened it to waiting for white smoke to appear from the hosting venue of the Old Rectory! No details were able to be released until Sunday 13 March when, at the combined service of both the Parish Church, Good Shepherd and Cafe Church, it was announced that Revd James Stewart had been successful. He is currently Chaplain to the Bishop of Norwich.
So, a fresh chapter in the history of Thorpe St Andrew begins to emerge and we very much look forward to the installation of Fr James Stewart as our new Rector. The date, at the time of writing, is yet to be finalised but we will keep you informed on our website thorpeparishchurch.org
The Churchwardens thank everyone in the Parish who have offered prayers for them - that they might be supported, guided and given the wisdom to choose our new Rector.
Thanks to so many people
The Churchwardens want to take this opportunity to continue to thank everyone who has come forward to offer ongoing assistance with the many jobs required within the church from cleaning to administration and finance work. New teams have formed which has been so good to see. Their help is invaluable and we would love to name everyone involved but there are just too many! An acknowledge with thanks is appropriate also and must be given to Sally and Chris Entwhistle who kindly loaned the Old Rectory restaurant on Yarmouth Road and looked after everyone so well on March 7th — their hospitality was wonderful.
Final note — just for now!
The churches are united together and we all look forward to a bright and exciting future with Revd James Stewart building on the strong foundations carved out by previous Rectors and, latterly the Assistant Curate, Revd David Smith.
By Thorpe Parish Church 26 Apr 2023 14:35